Goals · Pay It Forward · Writing

Writer Wednesday – Rewriting WIPs (Part 2)

Literally weeks after writing my previous post about this, I ended up tweaking the For an Omega series AGAIN. In fact, I even renamed it again. *facepalm* However, I renamed it because – as I’ll discuss in a minute – I began writing the other books in the series and there was one thing that… Continue reading Writer Wednesday – Rewriting WIPs (Part 2)

Goals · Pay It Forward · Writing

Writer Wednesday – Top 5 Tips for Lowering Your Word Count

As someone who is routinely over word count for submission, I thought it would be helpful to share my Top 5 tips on how I tackle this problem. I mean, I’ve done it often enough that I should be considered an expert, right? Joking. But, I have done this A LOT. TIP 1: Read It!… Continue reading Writer Wednesday – Top 5 Tips for Lowering Your Word Count

Goals · Pay It Forward · Writing

Writer Wednesday – Storygraph App Review

There was a lot of controversy and toxicity going on at Goodreads in 2023, and I’ve never been one for taking part in the community there – unlike FB, it’s format just doesn’t work for me, in a social capacity, and I never liked the fact that anyone could become a Librarian, which meant there… Continue reading Writer Wednesday – Storygraph App Review