interview · Pay It Forward · Writing

#SocialSunday: Take A Chance: Joe Satoria

On Take A Chance posts, I’ll be showcasing authors I love to read, but who I don’t have contact with, for things such as interviews and teasers. I will be sharing their bio, some of the works I loved best, and a showcase of up to 5 books, if they have a larger back catalogue, as well as their social media links.


Joe Satoria

Hello, my name is Joe Satoria. I’m a British writer, currently located in *muffled sound*

I am a hopeful romantic–in the sense, I hope one day I become romantic outside of my fiction.

I’ve been writing all my life–the predictable childhood narrative of growing up with journals and pens–yeah, that’s me.

I’m not sure what to do with the website. I would like to post about releases, covers, and excerpts.




Social Links

Goodreads . Website . Twitter

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