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Share-It Saturday: Book Title Generators

Reblogged from kindlepreneur



Coming up with a good book title or book title ideas can be maddening. But thankfully, we no longer have to go it alone because there is an incredible tool — called a book title generator — that has helped me with just that.

I’ve researched, tested, and listed all the best book title generators by genre below.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What a book title generator is and isn’t
  • The best free book title generators
  • Other tools to help validate your book ideas
BonusDownload my personal guide on creating book titles that increase sales, and discoverability on Amazon.


The funny thing about random book name generators is that many of them are niche specific – which is a good thing. Let’s face it, the typical sentence structure and word lexicon for erotica book titles are completely different than sci-fi…or let’s hope.

Therefore, using one type of random title generator for all kinds of books is a bad idea. So, to help you get the most out of a story name generator, many of the book title generators listed below have a specific setting for a particular niche/genre.

You might notice that a couple are mentioned multiple times. That’s because some of these title tools allow you to choose from different genres.

Fantasy Name Generators

Sci-Fi Title Generators

Horror Name Generators

Romance Title Generators

Mystery Novel Title Generators

Crime Book Title Generators

Non-Fiction Title Generators

But nothing beats a title that shows exactly what people are typing into Amazon. The best non-fiction title is the one that uses the words of the customer. In order to figure out WHAT people are typing into Amazon, make sure to learn about Kindle keywords, or use a special tool that will pull this information for you.

Children’s Book Title Generators

If those don’t work, here’s a great article on how to title your children’s book.

Comic Book Name Generators

Other Types Of Book Title Generators

As you can see there are all sizes and shapes when it comes to title name generators. Just remember, these generators are best used to help brainstorm book title ideas and shape how you create your ultimate book title.

After you come up with the perfect title, make sure your book cover design and the fonts you choose for your cover are amazing as well to catch those Amazon shoppers.


Check out the video below to see my favorite book name generators in action and how I a nonfiction title generator can work surprisingly well as a novel title generator.


So, you just checked out some tools that will get your creative juices flowing, but wouldn’t it be nice if there was something to help you figure out if the book title was marketable and would stand the chance of selling well?

Well, the super cool peeps at Lulu did just that.

They created a free tool that will grade your title based on its likelihood to succeed. To create it, Lulu and their team of statisticians studied a list of the best-selling titles from 1955 to 2004 and ultimately bottled up that success into a super cool tool, the Lulu TitleScorer.

All you need to do is type in your title, help give it a running grammar start, and click “Analyze My Title.” Then the tool will go through its records and give you a score ranging from 0-100 on the likelihood of success.

Now, if only I could remember the difference between an abstract, concrete and proper noun…thank goodness for Google.


Now that you’ve used some creative book titles tools and even checked it against a title analyzer, how about testing it with your market? Some people will go to Facebook groups and ask, but most of the time this comes from random people who aren’t even your target market.

Instead, I personally like using PickFu. This survey service will take your potential book titles, find the target market for you, and have them vote on which title they like. Not only will you get to see which one is the best, you’ll get some key insight into why your target market loves one over the other.

Basically, PickFu takes the guess work out of it and gives you data.

You can even see how I used PickFu to test a book description for the famous book Battlefield Earth. Unsurprisingly, my book description helped Galaxy Press double their conversion rates and make more sales. So, test, test, test…or else you could be losing out on book sales!


Now that you’ve seen the vast amount of a book title generator can offer, you may wish to learn more about how they function and the way they generate book titles.

Some book title generators work by identifying a common pattern or structure to the book titles within a certain genre.

For example, consider the made-up book title The Wizard’s Quest. Imagine this is taken from the fantasy genre.

The title generator may identify the pattern that the first word in the title is Thefollowed by a character’s name, followed by a noun describing something about the story.

This book title formula could generate titles such as:

  • The Hero’s Journey
  • The Thief’s Mission
  • The Priest’s Trial

This is an example of how book title generators can take a sentence structure from a title and generate multiple titles accordingly.

Other ways that title generators work include:

  • Using synonyms for words taken from other book titles
  • Using a random combination of words that have been deemed appropriate for the genre
  • Using a formula such as a physical description word as well as a color and a name to generate titles

As you know, there are many types of book title generators, and they don’t all reveal how they work. However, the above ideas give some insight into how titles are typically generated.


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